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Es Vedrà with a boat passing in front of it

Discover the best boat routes in Ibiza

The charm of Ibiza goes beyond its beaches and nightlife. One of the best ways to explore the beauty of the island is through its boat routes. From quiet coves to impressive cliffs, Ibiza offers a unique experience from the sea.

Do you dare to explore the best boat routes around Ibiza?

Hidden Coves Route

cala xuclar in sant joan de labritja

We begin our adventure sailing towards the most hidden and picturesque coves of Ibiza.

From Cala Salada to Cala Xuclar, these coves offer crystalline waters ideal for swimming and snorkelling with an otherworldly calm.

Between these two popular coves you will find some practically virgin locations such as Cala Aubarca, Ses Balandres and Es Canaret.

Exploring the cliffs of Ibiza

cliffs of es cubells in ibiza

The north coast of Ibiza is adorned with majestic cliffs.

In addition, near these impressive rock walls you will find several islets, creating perfect opportunities to take impressive photos and marvel at the geology of the island.

We especially recommend that you visit the area of Ses Margalides, frequented by all lovers of the sea and tranquility, or Es Cubells.

Sailing towards the Island of Es Vedrá

es vedra ibiza at sunset

Es Vedrá, the iconic rocky island, is a magnet for visitors and is rumoured to have magnetic properties, plus a host of legends surrounding it...

Sailing towards it allows you to appreciate its grandeur from different angles and explore the surrounding waters, full of marine life and unparalleled mysticism.

You can enjoy one of the most magical sunsets aboard your ship from here.

Sunset route in Benirrás

islet of benirras sunset

And precisely, nothing compares to watching the sunset in Ibiza.

Benirrás beach is famous for its unique sunsets, its summer atmosphere and the gigantic islet in the centre of the bay.

From the boat, you will have an uninterrupted view of this spectacle of colours, formed by the orange of the sun and the turquoise of its waters.

Route from Ibiza to Formentera

espalmador island in formentera

Formentera, the smallest of the Pitiusas, is equally beautiful, especially for its white and golden sand beaches.

Navigating between these two islands reveals the diversity of landscapes and the clarity of the water that separates them, with a recommended stop in s'Espalmador, Ses Illetes and S'Espardell.

Discover Formentera by boat!

Discovering Underwater Beauty

underwater rock in ibiza

Not everything amazing about Ibiza is on the surface...

Diving into its waters allows you to discover an underwater world full of life and colour, made up of spectacular banks of Posidonia, different types of native fish, sea urchins and underwater rock formations.

You just need to put on your diving goggles and enjoy the scenery.

Gastronomic Experience at Sea

ibicencan paella

The gastronomy of Ibiza is exceptional. This route combines the tasting of local flavours with the sea breeze.

There are several restaurants on the island that offer service on board, so you can enjoy the best local flavours without having to disembark.

Sound good?


If you have decided to visit Ibiza by boat, we encourage you to review our list of boat rentals in Ibiza.

We will be delighted to provide you with an unforgettable journey!

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